• Awarded by the Victorian government for

excellence in English language training

  • Awarded by the PIEoneer awards

for Best Language educator internationally

  • Finalist for the Innovation Award,

English Australia

  • Everyday English coursebooks endorsed by

the peak quality assurance government

body, NEAS



  • Awarded Employee of the year at

APC Education group

  • Finalist for International Emerging Leader of the

Year for the PIEoneer Awards.

  • Finalist for Australain Book Design Awards
  • Winner at the Creativity International Awards

for Book Design

Everyday ENglish coursebooks

  • English Unlimited: the sole ELICOS provider with their own coursebooks
  • Indigenous content integrated into course materials
  • Promotes Australia as a desirable destination
  • Unique and immersive educational experience
  • Distinguishes English Unlimited from other providers
  • Enhances cultural understanding and appreciation
  • Internationally award-winning

As the primary author, co-designer, and creative director, I assumed a central role in the development of the Everyday English coursebooks at English Unlimited. This multifaceted responsibility involved crafting the course content, collaborating on the design elements, and overseeing the creative direction of the project. By spearheading this comprehensive process, I ensured the coursebooks met the highest standards of quality and relevance in English language instruction.

Short courses PORTAL

  • Unique and tailored short courses designed to meet the specific needs of students, focusing on vocational pursuits and industry-specific language and terminology.
  • Recognized as a finalist for the prestigious English Australia Innovation Award
  • Empowers students to upskill and enhance their language proficiency, enabling them to excel in their chosen careers.
  • Incorporates cutting-edge technological innovations to deliver an immersive and interactive learning experience.
  • Provides students with a competitive edge by equipping them with the language skills and industry knowledge necessary to succeed in their professional endeavors.


  • The only ELICOS school in Australia with a dedicated student magazine
  • The student magazine features innovative design elements that captivate and engage readers, enhancing their language skills and creativity.
  • It serves as a valuable physical and digital resource, offering students the flexibility to enjoy and appreciate the magazine in their preferred format.
  • The magazine serves as a platform for students to express themselves through writing, artwork, and other creative endeavors, fostering a sense of ownership and pride in their English language journey
  • I am either the main designer or co-designer of the student magazine. I am also the editor.

Other Achievements:

  1. Developed a computer adaptive pre-arrival test to assess prospective students' English proficiency, ensuring accurate placement and personalized learning experiences.
  2. Collaborated with Moodle to create a user-friendly Learning Management System (LMS) app, enhancing accessibility and convenience for students in their language learning journey.
  3. Established a vibrant social club for students to engage outside of the classroom, fostering a sense of community, cultural exchange, and holistic development.
  4. Created engaging and interactive content for our Learning Management System (LMS) during the transition to virtual learning during the pandemic, ensuring continuity of education and a seamless online learning experience for students.
  5. Implemented pathways with TAFEs and universities, facilitating a smooth transition for students from our English for Academic Purposes (EAP) program to higher education, enhancing their academic prospects and future success.